Guide to Environmental Protection of Collections
Guide to Environmental Protection of Collections is for anyone who cares for or about collections of art, historical artifacts or any other kind of cultural material or for natural history collections. It is written for those with no technical background who find themselves having to make decisions concerning the physical care of those collections.
Contains some 47,700 entries for prints sold at 443 auctions held in North America and Europe from July 1991 through 1992. All auction houses are included. Prints are from all periods, and lower-priced prints are not excluded. Among the extra features: a gallery retail price range is given for thousands of artists useful for evaluating the works of the less known artists or the young contemporary printmakers whose works are not sold regularly through auctions. Eight separate indexes give access to Japanese, botanical, topographical, sporting, and natural history prints; posters; books illustrated with original prints; and portfolios. Annotation copyright Book News, Inc. Portland, Or.